
Wednesday, February 27

no bueno

graphic courtesy of the little french bulldog

You know those days where one thing goes wrong and then everything else kind of piles up and it just gets worse and worse until you find yourself having a meltdown? That was me yesterday. Sobbing, sniffling - the whole nine yards. And why, you may ask? Well, I'm not exactly sure. I have several theories in fact but I think the main reason is that I'm mad at myself. Though sometimes it's a helpful quality, I'm my toughest critic and I'm extremely hard on myself.

And what makes me feel even worse is that I know all of my problems are first world problems. So in the great scheme of life, they aren't really problems at all. So why do I react like an irrational loser and hate on myself? Do you ever have those kinds of days? How do you snap out of it and get your confidence back?


Alivia said...

I have these days more often than I'd like. Exercising enough to seat and then taking a nice shower ALWAYS helps, even if it is just a little. Then I do something to feel productive, whether that be folding laundry or running an errand (but usually staying in the house is what I lean towards). Hope your crappy mood is on the mend! Allow yourself to feel crappy once in awhile though, it's good for your soul.

Tori Baldridge said...

I'm with you sister! Just focus on all the positive things you have going for you :) that always does the trick for me.

Amanda Holland said...

I hope today is a better day! A strong beer and tasty meal should help, at least temporarily ;) i love you and am only a text away if you need me! xoxoxo

Tiffany said...

This was my weekend. I went to the gym, and spaced out on the TV for a few hours. Clear your head, and restart yourself! Hugs!!

Z said...

See, it's funny you post this, because I'm having the same sort of day. I wish I could tell you how I'm dealin with it!!! (Well, I can, the answer's just BADLY.) I struggle with a lot of jealousy and bitterness in my life - I get upset at other's opportunities and chances, and I need to make myself step back and realize that the life I'M living is something that a lot of people must dream about. AGH! If you ever figure the answer to letting out anger and taking in peace, please let me know!?

Debie Grace said...

I am having it right now and I feel so dumb about myself which makes me feel more sad! Uggggggh good thing I have a few friends to make me feel okay. XD I hope you're going to be okay soon!

Unknown said...

My whole week was like this! And it hasn't stopped! :/ (Hope you're feeling better though!)